Tuesday 1 May 2012

First ever post! Hellooo!

Hi I'm Clare,

As you've probably guessed from the title, my blog is all about yummy, natural food. I'm obsessed with cooking, baking and all things cakey and yummy!

I'm 27 and live in Manchester. I have too main passions in life, food and excercise so I will be sharing my experiences about both of these in my blog. However to the majority of food bloggers and foodies out there who will come accross my blog, food will be by far the more interesting topic so dont worry, that will most definately take precidence. I will be posting my own recipes, my friends and family's recipes (giving them due credit of course), published recipes I've tried and posting links to other food blogs with recipes I've tried or just that I think look damn tasty!! As well as this I will always have my iphone with me to snap quick pics of the grub I'm eating when I'm out and about an will give you my humble opinion on it, good or bad. I also love booze. I enjoy most types of alcohol whether it be beer wine or cocktails so I will be trying out new cocktail recipes wherever possible and sharing and rating new wines I've tried. I'm no wine conniseur though so dont expect professional reviews, again just my humble opinion.
Me in my favourite room of the house

I love experimenting and it doesn't always go right first time so I will be sharing my kitchen disasters as well as my triumphs. Do expect lots of healthy options. I'm always looking for ways too use natural sugars, reduce fat or use natural 'good fats', add fibre or squeeze in a couple more of my 5 a day. However I'm no saint and some of my recipes will be pure indulgence from start to finish. I try to live by the 80/20 rule. If your 'healthy' 80% of the time you deserve to treat yourself for the remaining 20%. (Although sometimes i do find myself 'treating' myself a little more than that) After all life would be no fun without cake would it!

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